Yard Checker

Using Yard Checker, you can easily measure the distance from the ball position to the green while you play.
(See How to use for usage.)

Private mode
Private mode (for playing)
Private mode (for pre-registration)

Normal mode
  * Normal mode is not available yet.
Normal mode (for playing)
Normal mode (for checking if targets exist)

Private mode

 Private mode (for playing)
Each player can find the green positions from the satellite image of Google Maps and set the target as green to measure the distance.

Yard Checker image

The position of the ball (current position) can be obtained by using the GPS of a smartphone or other mobile device.
Targets (green positions) can be set during play, but it is convenient to set them at your home beforehand.

You can register on Private mode (for pre-registration) in advance.

Normal mode

 Normal mode (for playing)
The position data set in personal mode is automatically sent to the data server, and by accumulating that sent data, each individual player can set the targets (green positions) without having to set it in advance.
Currently, it has just released, so you can not see target information (green positions) in normal mode, but it will be available eventually.
The normal mode can also be used free of charge, so please use the personal registration mode until the data is accumulated and you can refer to target information (green positions).

Please be assured that the data sent to the server is the location information necessary to calculate the green position.

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